24 Hour Service - 7 Days a WeekFlagpole Installation in Near Miami, FL
Installing a flagpole is a wonderful way to beautify a home or business while showing national or state pride.
To properly install a flagpole, a hole must be drilled into the ground before the sleeve is inserted around a bed of concrete. The length and width of the hole are dependent on the flagpole, besides the amount of sand or concrete used to fill the hole.
According to proper flagpole etiquette, a flag that is flown at night should be lit from the base of the flagpole.
ESR can install your flagpole as well as the lights at the base. The lighting would be timed to turn on at nightfall and shut off at daybreak.
Flying the American flag displays respect for your country and honors those who have fallen in battle.
Some Ways to Honor the Flag:
- Raise the flag at sunrise and lower the flag at sundown.
- When you take the flag down, make sure to neatly fold it in a triangle, and store it in a place where it will not get dirty.
- Allow the Flag to fall free without fastening or tying it back.
- Take the Flag down if it is tattered or damaged.
- If you are going to fly your flag at night, make sure it is lit from the base.
- The US flag should be higher than all other flags or the same height as country flags, with state flags beneath it.
- Do not let the Flag touch the ground.
- Only fly the Flag upside down during emergencies.
- Do not dip the Flag, carry it flat (or things in it), or use it as clothing or a cover.
- Do not draw on, mark up or mutilate the Flag.
- Place the Flag to the speaker’s right if near a podium or stage, with other flags to the left.
- On Memorial Day, raise the flag at half-staff until noon only and then raised to the top of the staff.
- Fly the flag at half-staff for the death of principal figures in the US government, such as presidents
Call ESR for all your flagpole installation needs in Miami and the greater area!
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