24 Hour Service - 7 Days a WeekEmergency Battery Backup Lighting System Miami, FL
Having an emergency back-up lighting system helps provide light during a power failure or if power needs to be turned off in an emergency. It is automatically activated when power is lost and will activate your essential lighting lasting up to 90 minutes, so businesses would need to decide what lights would be essential to them. In emergency situations, back-up lighting assists employees and guests in exiting the building and first responders while entering the building. Emergency lights are required to comply with state building and fire codes, insurances and OSHA standards.
ESR provides services to any area in the South Florida region. Below is an example of some of our services. If you can’t find the service you need below, just give us a call. We will make sure to help you in any way we can!
In an emergency, life safety is the number one priority. By using central lighting inverters, occupants feel more at ease during a crisis and are likelier to evacuate in a safe and orderly fashion.
When interior or exterior lighting extinguishes due to an interruption in the normal power supply, the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) requires egress pathway illumination, which can be provided by a Dual-Lite inverter system. This requirement includes illuminating both
the path of egress from inside the building to the nearest exit point and from outside the building to the “public way”.
According to the Life Safety Code, emergency pathway illumination is required for:
- Stairs
- Aisles
- Corridors
- Ramps
- Walkways
- Parking lots
- Escalators
- Exit passages
- Outdoor pathways